How To Promote Your Company’s Instagram Account Safely?


Today each brand and company has its pages on social media – and often enough its managers run into problems while trying to maintain it and promote it. Internet resources should be taken care of just as you would be taking care of your home or your office or your employees, however, most of the time people don’t pay enough attention to it. In this article we will review several important points to keep in mind while developing and promoting your IG social media page, all of them are going to be about safety. 

First of all, before even thinking about promoting your page, set the two-factor authentication. Nowadays it is basically the only thing that will be able to keep your page safe from the hacking and stealing of your company’s personal data. If you think that this is not going to happen to you and your brand’s page, you’re wrong: statistically, about a quarter of social media users have experienced hacking at least once. It is better to prevent such situations, rather than try to save your page and your data after something bad has already happened. Moreover, it is very easy to set the two-factor authentication – it is done through common IG settings. 

Congrats, now your page is almost totally safe! Unless you’re going to provoke hacking yourself. How is it possible? Now it is time to talk about the paid promotion on Instagram, how it is better done, and what obstacles may lie in your way towards success. We’d have to say that there are several working methods, some unpaid, some paid, but we will be talking about the main paid one – a chance to buy Instagram followers. Many people use it, many say that this is an unnecessary thing to do. It has gathered many controversial opinions around it, but we insist that it can be completely safe and highly efficient. 

If you follow the pieces of advice that we’re going to give to you, things are going to work just fine. Let’s start with the most important one: buy real Instagram followers only. This is key to successful promotion, actually – if you take on genuine subs, your company’s page is not only going to get a major increase in subs count, but it also will get a very nice activity boost, which is visible to IG’s algorithms. And because of it, your page will get recommended to potentially interested people way more often: this is what a nicely organized online promo should induce. If you are taking on real and high-quality services, your page’s activity goes up rapidly, but if you are attaining fakes, things change the other way. 

Fakes or bots are the pages that can be used by scam promo websites that are fooling people into purchasing their services. We don’t think that we need to explain why those are bad: after gaining too many subscribers that are actually fake, your page can be perceived as fake as well and can get into a shadow ban. This means that your content is not going to be shown to the potentially interested people on Instagram and you’re risking staying in this state forever. It is quite hard to get out of a shadow ban actually, so you should make sure that you are not attaining low-quality services and that you are not risking getting banned. 

Also, you should be very careful with what type of data you’re giving away while ordering paid followers or paid likes. Normally, a company doesn’t need anything but your IG username and your email. If they are asking for something more than that, you need to check everything twice – some info might be demanded to send you payment info or something like that, but if it seems like it is not about it, go look for another platform to purchase subs from. If they are asking for your page’s password, you should definitely proceed to look for another website. 

All of these rules are easy to follow, yet it takes some time to find a decent promo company that will give you a hand of help and won’t leave you with nothing or a banned account in the end. But it is possible; and if you’re not into spending time on research, you can use the links that we’ve given you in this article – just saying! 

Now that all of that is clear, we’d also like to remind you that the best results happen when you are taking on not only followers for your Instagram account, but approach a problem complexly. It is especially applicable to the pages of companies, as these need the most help in promoting themselves usually and have the biggest aims set for the shortest periods of time. To make your profile go popular quickly, use subs, likes, views for videos and stories, and additional paid reactions to them – all of that will become a very nice booster for your page and will help with attracting viewers and potential clients. Don’t forget to post regularly, post stories daily, and stay in touch with your audience. If your company is big enough, it is better to have several people who will take care of your social media; but we guess that you already know all of that. Be careful online and don’t trust websites that sell promo stuff for free. 

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