How Much Bandwidth Do Home Security Cameras Use

Last updated: January 5, 2024

Identifying bandwidth availability is essential for any type of network — especially for your home security system. Videos usually come in large file sizes, so that video transmission can be pretty tricky. Of course, with recent technology, there have been advancements that have affected bandwidth consumption.

But how much bandwidth do home security cameras consume? On average, security cameras consume as little as five kbps in a steady, on-standby state, but other cameras can go as high as 6 Mbps and beyond.

These bandwidth details are still influenced by many factors, including the following:

Pure Cloud vs Hybrid Cloud Storage

Modern security camera storage has moved to the cloud for larger capacities and easier access. However, you can still pick between pure cloud or hybrid cloud storage.

Cloud storage makes it easier to view footage from anywhere or from any type of device. However, it’s still open to problems like connectivity disruptions, so it is safer to go for a hybrid system to give you a backup just in case.

Reliable Performance

Though capacity is very important, reliable performance is also essential. You don’t want to have something that can’t work because of connectivity outages, as these network reliability problems have detrimental effects on your camera, too.


Even if you do prefer to work with low bandwidth security cameras, the total load of the entire array will increase quickly with continuous use. If your security system network won’t be able to handle this load, you might not be able to use as many cameras as you would wish. Additionally, learn effective methods for keeping wasps away from security cameras to ensure uninterrupted surveillance.

Maximizing your security camera resources can be done by identifying the extent of your bandwidth and ensuring that you are using it efficiently. Know more about security cameras and where you can buy them by exploring Security Forward today.

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